Anyone who plays, writes or composes music has at some time thought about “hitting it big”. I was no different. In the 90’s in Germany, I came pretty darned close with the band I was in, “Force of Habit”. We had a MINOR hit on the club circuit (ALL PLAYED OUT). Well, eventually All Played Out, Played OUT! LOL!

I realized even back then though, that it wasn’t fame and fortune I cared about, but that I just LOVED to create MUSIC! Sure, I want people to hear it and enjoy it, but it has become pretty much my top hobby.  So I’m here to share it with you if you would like to listen.

I have often heard my music compared to others music, most of them have a jazzy feel. I don’t think my music really fits into any kind of a category … I just like to write what sounds good to me. Sometimes I compose the old fashioned way, with a guitar, synth and a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation). Or, now,  sometimes I like to work with loops and see what I can create! 

Either way, I hope you enjoy the results as much as I enjoyed composing the songs!


And feel free to download anything you really like for FREE for your playlists!


P.S. I SELDOM sing. When Yah was handing out voices, my hands were full with other talents, so I didn’t bother to go back for more (I SHOULD HAVE!)

Velocity (Iyapo’s Theme)

Anyone who is familiar with my YouTube channel “IYAPO YAPA”, and has followed it for years before I went strictly to podcasts, will remember this theme song from the beginning of my original videos. What you don’t know is that it is from a really long song I wrote back in the late 90’s called “VELOCITY”. I have since adopted it as my personal theme song.

So here it is in all its non-faded out, uncut glory!

I hope you enjoy it! (And yes, I admit, it gets redundant at times, but I consider it driving music!)


The song literally says what it’s about. I sat down at my keyboard one day and just thought about things, and played as I did and this is what came from that. Here it is, sour notes and all!

3:00 am

Ok. So what do you do when your heart is broken and all you can do is lie on your back staring at the ceiling counting the cracks? You get up and write a song about it of course!

(Like most of my songs, it can seem repetitious, but that is because it has lyrics. To the right are the lyrics to 3:00 am, to see if you can figure out how it would be sung, or just interpret your own way.)

The glow from the moon slips through the binds,

But that tender glow can’t soothe my mind,

The clock on the bureau says it’s three,

At least I think that’s what I see,


What’s she doing?

Does she sleep?

All her secrets,

Hers to keep.

Are they sitting,

On a shelf?

Or is she loving,

Someone else?

They say Karma searches for the face,

Of the one who left me in this place,

Protests from my heart fall quietly,

Knowing out there somewhere’s half of me,

(Back to Refrain)


(Back to Refrain and Out)

Just To Hear You Breathe

Soooo … when Angela first started talking, it was all by phone. We would spend hours into the night talking (you know how we do), and sometimes, she would fall asleep and I could hear her lightly breathing, it was hypnotic … so I played this and sent it to her. She said she used to listen to it when she would go to bed at night. I was going to erase the white noise from it, but when I wrote this for Angela, I recorded it on my iPhone as I played it, so I’m leaving it in its raw form, the way I sent it to her.

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In She Walks

I like this up beat, saucy piece! I have the lyrics for it somewhere. When I find them, I’ll post them. Until then ENJOY!

© DoEAiA Media and Adrien M. Lane 2022

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Lost in Secret Arms

Not to be confused with the novel by Adrien M. Lane. 

I wrote this song a LOOOOOONG time ago, and some of it still holds up pretty well. The song was supposed to have ended about a minute sooner than it did, but it was a classic case of me enjoying what I was doing so much, that I wouldn’t let it go and just kept going! Below are the lyrics. Have at it! 

We all fall in love, at least we believe we do,

For all we know.

And when we fall in love, we swear that this time it’s true,

So where does it go?

Everybody wants someone we can call our own,

We think we’ve found them, but we still feel we’re all alone,

And though we fight it, 

Sooner or later we’re lost,

In secret arms.

Feelings change and then we start to assign the blame,

It’s no surprise.

We try to fix it but it falls apart just the same,

Before our eyes.

Try to remember what it felt like to want someone, 

More than anything.

Think it’ll be different but when everything’s said and done,

It’s just the same thing.

Everybody wants someone who can share their dreams,

We think we’ve found them but they’re never quite what they seemed,

Lord we don’t like it,

But sooner or later we’re lost,

In secret arms.


Everybody wants someone with whom to grow old,

We think we’ve found them but it suddenly turns so cold,

Try to deny it,

But sooner or later we’re lost, 

In secret arms,


Everybody wants someone who can help us find,

That part of us that we so long ago left behind,

And that’s why maybe,

Sooner or later we’re lost,

In secret arms.

(Music and out)

Deep Memories (READING and WRITING in the DARK Theme song)

One of my favorites from my old school compositions. 

Smooth and soulful. I enjoyed playing it and love listening to it a lot.

I hope you like it too.

Dancin’ Old’s Cool

OH NO! We haven’t embarrassed our children and grandchildren NEARLY enough! It’s time to hit the dance floor, put together a SOUL TRAIN LINE and show ‘em how WE used to get down!!!!

Another one I loved composing and now, listen to often - brings back a LOT of memories!


Here is another one of my older songs.

It’s an upbeat little tune that I forgot that I wrote, but I’m SO glad I found it again!

After you listen for a few minutes, you’ll know why it’s called RICKSHAW!


of old files to go through, and some new stuff too!





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Iyapo has been writing and composing music for decades and doing so is one of his favorite hobbies. 

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© DoEAiA Media and Iyapo Yapa 2022

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