“The Atlantic crossing, or “Middle Passage,” as it was called by European slavers, was notorious for the number of deaths incurred, averaging in the vicinity of 15-20%’
— Walter Rodney. How Europe Underdeveloped Africa
Much is rightly said and written about the enslavement and fates of Afrikans who were kidnapped from their homeland and transported to the Americas and other lands along the Middle Passage. Absent however is an expanded examination of the fate of those who did not make it through the journey. Whether victims of an inability to survive the unimaginable environment in which they were forced to occupy, or due to murders while attempting to revolt, or by simply jumping overboard, choosing death as a better alternative to chattel enslavement.
What of those ancestors in the depths of the oceans, and what of their souls and spirits. Or to put if bluntly—what of the CARGO?
Read the COMPLETE prologue and first chapter of:
And What of the CARGO?
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